AAMG 2024: Belong – Virtual Posters

AAMG is the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries. This year the 2024 Annual Conference will be held entirely online on June 24-26. More information can be found here.

AAMG 2024: belong centers upon belonging and is presented entirely online, in the spirit of inclusion. Academic museums and galleries consider belonging from many angles unique to the field, but above all else belonging is a shared value — for our relationships with students, faculty, and our local and regional communities, as well as our relationships with each other as an AAMG community.

From the UNM Art Museum Director, Arif Khan.

“I became involved with AAMG, eight years ago when I became the Director of the UNM Art Museum. As a first-time director of a university museum, AAMG provided access to supportive and welcoming colleagues throughout the country that made me feel like I ‘belonged’ in the academic museum and gallery community. That spirit of belonging is the theme of this year’s conference and is one that I know the AAMG community seeks to provide to students at their respective institutions and campuses. 

On behalf of the entire team at UNMAM, we are proud to host these two virtual posters as part of the upcoming Association of Academic Museums and Galleries Conference.  

We invite you to read the posters submitted below.”

Arif Khan 
Director, UNM Art Museum 
At-Large Board Member AAMG  

Choose Your Own Adventure

Contributors: Zoe Hume, Student, Florida State University; Dianna Bradley, Student, Florida State University; Phoebe Scheidegger, Student, Florida State University; Will Stone, Student, Florida State University.

Click here to view this poster.

This poster highlights the work of graduate students curating an exhibition on children’s literature and its impact on our lives. The poster shows a glimpse into our process in curating for an undergraduate audience as we reflect on belonging as an exhibition theme, our own sense of belonging as student curators, and the place of academic galleries within their campus communities and beyond.

Exploring the Intersection of Constructivist Museums and Third Place Theory in Hybrid Co-Curation

Contributors: Zida Wang, Museum Education Assistant, Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts; Bao Hu, Multimedia Designer; Bei Hu, Multimedia Disciplinary Artist, Assistant Professor, Kansas City Art Institute.

Click here to view this poster.

My virtual poster session, titled “Exploring the Intersection of Constructivist Museums and Third Place Theory in Hybrid Exhibition Curation,” offers a novel perspective on academic museums. It bridges constructivist museum practices and the third place theory to foster active participation and a sense of belonging among diverse stakeholders. This approach empowers museum professionals, educators, and students, challenging traditional curatorial authority and fostering collaboration.

Learning Objectives/Outcomes:

  • Understanding Synergy Between Theories: Learn how constructivist museum practices and the third place theory intersect and enhance visitor engagement and belonging in academic museums.
  • Practical Application: Gain insights into implementing co-curation and co-creation in hybrid exhibitions, enabling effective engagement with diverse stakeholders.
  • Enhancing Belonging: Explore how hybrid exhibitions can create a “third place” for participants, contributing to a sense of belonging within academic museums.