Would you like to schedule a group tour of an exhibition at the UNM Art Museum? Are you interested in visiting the Beaumont Newhall Study Room? Fill out the form below and our team will respond to your request.
Please review our policies and procedures for scheduled visits, listed below. Tours of our exhibitions require a minimum of 7 participants, we do not accommodate individual tours. If your visit to UNMAM falls outside of our available hours – please email artmuseum@unm.edu. Our team will be in touch for further assistance.
All group visits must be confirmed before arrival as they require advanced scheduling and are subject to staff availability. Guided tours of our exhibitions will last between 30 – 45 minutes, and require a minimum of 7 participants, we cannot provide individual tours. We currently offer tours for:
- Graphic Art and Revolution: Latin American Political Posters 1968 – 2000
- Pelton & Jonson: The Transcendent 1930s
If you are a K-12 group please note that UNMAM follows Albuquerque Public School chaperone guidelines. For more information about this policy click here.
- Elementary Schools: 1 chaperone for every 7 students.
- Middle Schools: 1 chaperone for every 10 students.
- High Schools: 1 chaperone for every 15 students.
Parking on campus is limited. If your group requires parking for your visit please submit your tour request AT LEAST 5 business days in advance so we can coordinate parking for your group. Parking is not guaranteed until you have received confirmation from our team and is also subject to availability on UNM Main Campus.
Museum Rules:
- Upon arrival we ask that your group gather outside our front doors. A staff member will greet the group, give an overview of our rules, then invite the group to enter the museum.
- All large bags and backpacks must be left at our front desk. We have a storage rack and bins where these items can be stored during your visit.
- Food and drink (including water) are NOT allowed in the galleries. Any food and/or drink will need to be left at the front desk.
- Photography is welcomed but use of a flash is prohibited.
- Pens are not permitted in the galleries, all notes/assignments will need to be done in pencil.
- NO running, rough housing at anytime in the museum. NO touching of the artwork.
- We limit groups in our galleries to 30 individuals at one time. If your group is larger than 30 we will split the group between our galleries during your visit.
The Beaumont Newhall Study Room offers intimate access to artworks from the UNM Art Museum’s collection. Students, researchers, and community members are invited to utilize this resource to visually explore original works of art with museum staff.
Appointment requests should be submitted with at least two weeks advance notice. We may not be able to accommodate requests with less notice.
The Study Room is located off the Clinton Adams Gallery, accessible via the elevator in the UNM Art Museum lobby. All visitors must enter through the museum’s front entrance to check backpacks, studio aprons, food/drink, and other items at the front desk before proceeding.
We can accommodate individuals and groups of up to 20 visitors at a time inside the study room. If you’re group is larger than 20, we will spilt the group into sections during your visit.
- No pens, water bottles, gum, or food is permitted in the Study Room.
- Please use only graphite pencils to take notes. Pencils are provided.
- Please be mindful of your surroundings and keep a safe distance from the artwork.
- Loose or dangly clothing and accessories (e.g., scarves, lanyards, long necklaces, ties) should be removed or secured when viewing artworks.
- Only the curatorial staff is permitted to handle collection materials.
Objects must be selected in advance in consultation with the curatorial staff. Please note that certain fragile, oversized, or loose works may not be requestable.
If you have additional questions, or are in need of further accommodations, please email artmuseum@unm.edu.