Black Lives Matter
The UNM Art Museum mourns the recent murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Dion Johnson, and countless other lives lost to racism and violent policing in our nation. We condemn acts of deadly violence that contribute to ongoing suffering for communities of color—particularly our fellow Black citizens. We stand with the Black Lives Matter protestors who seek justice and demand systemic change. The Museum is proud of UNM students, faculty, and staff involved with these protests, both directly and indirectly.
We acknowledge that museums have a history of contributing to racial exclusion and silencing—including our own. This movement calls on us to no longer remain silent. These recent events have been a catalyst that encourages us to address any racism and bias in our own institution. We take seriously our responsibility to provide a platform for New Mexican communities, especially our Black community, and hope to inspire meaningful structural change.
For change to be lasting, it must happen at every level of society, and in every sphere, including the arts. As a teaching museum, we strongly believe that art and education are gateways to compassion and understanding. Words alone are an inadequate response to these continual injustices. We commit to action in the form of events, programs, acquisitions, and exhibitions that support and amplify historically underserved communities. We join the wider arts community in committing to a better future, one that we demand from each other, and we demand from ourselves.